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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale > Customer Profile >
Invoice List

Invoice List  contains all sales invoices for a customer.

  1. Sales invoices from LinkPOS is updated in the "Invoice List" with status as "PRSD" (Processed)
  2. Users can add a new invoice in the Invoice List. This invoice with will signed for "Tax Monitoring System " if the SDC integration is enabled.     

Steps to setup create invoices :

  1. Select the customer and expand into the details.
  2. Go to the "Invoice List" tab:
    1. Click on "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
    2. Enter below details
      1. Reference No - The "Reference Number" is system generated.
      2. Location - Select the location or warehouse.
      3. Transaction Date - Enter the invoice date
      4. Transaction Type - Select the transaction type. These includes:
        1. Cash Sale
        2. Credit Sale
        3. Lay- By
        4. Quotation
        5. Due Date - Enter the date the payment is due for the invoice.
        6. Notes - This is an open text field. Users can enter desired content.
        7. Save. Click on the Floppy Icon. This will create the transaction header with status as "Park". Refer to Figure 1.
  3. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the transaction. This will load the details of the invoice.
    1. Go to the "Invoice" tab
    2. Click on "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
    3. Enter below details:
      1. Part No - Select the product for the invoice.
      2. Description - The description of the product is auto updated.
      3. Tax Code -  Select the sell tax rate.
      4. Posting Account - Select the general ledger "Posting Account" for the invoice.
        1. The general ledger account from the posting account is used to integrate the invoice into ERP systems.
        2. Posting accounts are maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Posting Account"
      5. Revenue GL Account - Select the "Revenue GL Account" for the invoice.
        1. Revenue GL Accounts list is integrated from ERP systems
      6. Quantity - Enter the sell quantity.
      7. Unit Price - Enter the selling price.
      8. Discount - Enter the discount amount. The discount is entered as a dollar value. For example,
        1. Unit Price is $10.00
        2. Discount is $2.00
        3. New Selling price will $8.00
      9. Save. Click on the Floppy Icon.
  4. Go to the "Receipts" tab - Enter any payment received for the invoice.
    1. Click on "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
    2. Enter below details
      1. Payment Date - Select the payment date
      2. Payment Type- Select the  payment method. Payment method is maintained under "Link Point of Sale - Payment"
      3. Description - Enter the payment description.
      4. Amount - Enter the payment amount.
      5. Save. Click on the Floppy Icon.
  5. Click on the "Submit and Print" button. 
    1. This will save the invoice and generate the receipt.
    2. If TMS is enabled, data will be transmitted for signing. System will generate a "Fiscal invoice".
    3. The status of the invoice will be updated to "CLOD" (Closed).

Figure 1: Invoice Header

Figure 2: Invoice Details